Monday, October 15, 2018

Cousins Rock

Do you have cousins? Did you grow up spending time with them? Do you still keep in touch? Thankfully I can answer yes to all three of these questions. I can honestly say that my cousins helped me to become the person I am today - and I'll leave it to you to decide if that's a good thing, or not.

On my Mom's side (Ayers) there are 13 cousins, total. Take away myself and my brother, that leaves me with 11 first cousins. On my Dad's side (Minnix) there are 8 cousins, total. Same calculation leaves me with 6 first cousins. So all in all, I have 17 first cousins. An "embarrassment of riches" as someone much wiser and more well-spoken than I once said.

Of the Ayers cousins, I am number three - and the first girl. I remember spending summer days at my grandparents' farm in Huddleston trying, and failing, to keep up with my older boy cousins, Bob and Allan. No matter how much I wanted to run around barefooted, like them, I was never able to toughen up my tender feet, and was generally sporting at least one badly stubbed toe. So I spent most of my time waiting on the porch for the boys to get back from their various adventures, while dressing up the least wild cat I could catch in doll clothes. Regardless of the age and gender differences, I always looked forward to the boys' annual summer visits to our grandparents from their home in Greenville Alabama.

Here's a photo of 8 of the 13 first cousins, circa 1962. I'm on the left, rocking my pedal-pushers, holding my baby brother, Jay. The little redhead next to me, charming Tambra Jo, is Dale. Bob, the oldest, is holding Tambra. Tim, pensively chewing his thumb, is between Bob and Allan (on the right) holding Vickie. Jan (next in age after me) is missing from the photo, as are Ricky, Jimmy, Mike, and Tonya, who weren't even a gleam in their parents' eyes yet.

We didn't see much of Jan growing up as her father was in the military and they were stationed overseas. One thing I do remember about her was when they returned to the states from Germany and came to Vinton to visit with us before moving on to Florida. She and her family spent several days at our house that summer. I don't think it was a particularly hot summer, but it was before my dad added central air conditioning to our house. Coming from the cool temps and low humidity of Germany, Jan suffered in the summertime heat. I'll never forget her mopping her brow and saying, "It sure is hot here in Florida." I didn't have the heart to tell her that she was in Virginia, and a long way from Florida, where it would be considerably hotter. Guessed she'd figure that out for herself soon enough. Funny thing was, years later when she would visit us from Florida, she would freeze in the Virginia "cold."

Tim was (and still is actually) a funny, creative kid. Born on Halloween about five year after me, we spent many Sunday afternoons together trying to find something interesting to do. Tim liked to cook, so to keep him busy while she prepared a meal for the crowd of family gathered for Sunday dinner, Grandma would give him a small saucepan filled with a couple of inches of water and a hotdog, which he "cooked" over one of the heat registers in the floor of the dining room. He was also instrumental in encouraging tent-making in the front yard. We'd drag out Grandma's quilts and old spreads, drape them over the lawn furniture, and spend hours crawling in and out of our masterpiece of engineering (and rebuilding it when the younger kids knocked it down.) Or once, when our grandparents had to replace their refrigerator, we spent an entire day playing in the empty box. Who needs video games when you have imagination?

My mom and her sisters were always very supportive of one another, especially when someone was sick or a baby was born. My mom went to Richmond to be with my Aunt Vi when Dale came into their life and Vi came to Vinton to help out when my brother, Jay, was born. Red-haired, freckle-face, Dale was full of life and energy and joy, and we all enjoyed having him around. My dad, in particular, liked to tease him. Of course my dad like to tease everyone! One thing I'll never forget about Dale is that he bounced when he walked - literally bounced - bobbing up and down on the balls of his feet with every step he took. And he was always dressed to the nines. Vi starched and pressed his "dungarees" to knife-edges sharpness and polished his white high-tops to a pristine shine.

Tambra Jo is Tim's younger sister. She is only a month older than Jay, who is nine years my junior. Her family was transferred to Birmingham when she was little, so I don't remember much about her way back then, except that she was adorable and sweet-faced. Tonya, their youngest sibling didn't come along until after the family moved to Alabama, and being that she's the youngest of my cousins, I didn't really get to know her until she was an adult. Now I love spending time with her and her gorgeous daughters.

Vickie and her younger brother, Jimmy, and Ricky and his brother, Mike, were considerably younger as well, so I don't have many memories of them as children. Except for our Easter egg hunts, that is. Every Easter, Grandma would dye a couple dozen eggs that the older cousins would hide for the younger ones to find. It was great fun, well, aside from the Easter when Grandma forgot to cook the eggs first. After that year we always used plastic eggs for the hunt.

All in all, Sunday afternoons at Grandma and Grandaddy Ayer's with the cousins were the best. There was always someone to play with and something to do - badminton or croquet in the summer, and making a fort in the upstairs of the house in the winter. I can't imagine what my childhood would have been like without my cousins.

While my Ayers grandparents lived in the country, my Minnix grandparents lived in the city. We visited with them every Sunday, too, usually right after church. I loved to sit in the swing on their front porch and watch the cars whiz by. Plus, I had the wonderful advantage of living right up the street from four of my Minnix cousins, so they were regular playmates for my brother and me.

On Sunday mornings, we'd sit around the kitchen table and wait for Grandma to pop popcorn for us or scoop out ice cream cones. I was the oldest of the Minnix grandchildren (and the most spoiled according to all reports.) Melanie came along three years after me, followed by Linda, Keith, my brother Jay, Gail, Tina, and finally Robert. Melanie was one of my best pals growing up. We spent countless hours dressing Barbie dolls, coloring, playing tag or kickball, riding bikes, swinging on the neighbor's swing-set, and generally roaming around in the neighborhood. Her brother, Keith, was idolized by my brother, Jay. They spent at least as many hours together as Melanie and I did, playing GI Joe or generally running amok.

I'll never forget going to my cousin's house and watching Gail (same age as Jay) when she was still crawling, scooting up and down their hardwood hallway, while her siblings ran from her in mock terror, calling her "Monstro!" Of course that business was instigated by Keith, but we all participated. Robert came along 13 years after me, so I never spent much time with him growing up. In fact, I babysat his siblings while his mom was in the hospital after his birth. It' hard to believe that Robert, the youngest of my Minnix cousins, has two grown sons.

Linda and her sister, Tina, lived fairly close by as well, so we saw them often, too. Linda got a lot of teasing from all the cousins because, even at age two, she was a girl who knew exactly what she wanted. Smart and determined, she tried her best to organize us all to do her bidding, though her efforts were generally wasted on the rest of us incorrigible heathens. Tina was quite a bit younger, so I don't remember her as well, except for the summer when I babysat for them while their mom worked. Tina was supposed to take a nap every afternoon, but that rarely happened. Tina did not like to take a nap but preferred to stay up with her sister and me, to make sure she didn't miss out on anything fun.

Thankfully, I am still close to my Ayers and my Minnix cousins. Though we don't see each other often, we do so whenever we can. Plus we keep up on social media and through messaging. I feel so lucky and so blessed to have spent my childhood with these special people. We share so many wonderful experiences and memories. If you don't have cousins like mine, you don't know what you've missed!

Cousins Rock!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Making Amends

For the past few weeks, our pastor has been presenting a sermon series entitled, "I'm Offended." This topic has had a significant impact on me. In light of the current state of affairs in this country - when everyone seems to be operating from a position of, "I'm just telling it like it is and if you're offended, tough;" And when so many people seem to believe that you shouldn't be offended, anyway, when others speak their "truth;" And if you are, it's just because you're too sensitive - this is a very important lesson. I'm probably in the minority these days, but I believe that we need to be reminded of the dangers of offensive words and behavior and of what is required of anyone who strives to live in polite society and in harmony with others. 

So, you ask, why should it matter if you're offended by someone, or if you offend someone? You'll get over it, right? They'll get over it, too, eventually. And you'll both either forgive and ignore the offense or move on. Maybe one of you will hold a grudge and never re-connect, but that's okay, right? People come in and out of our lives all the time, so what does it matter if an offense comes between us? Someone else will step in to fill the void left by the person who is no longer in your life, right? And it's likely that you're not missing anything by not having that person in you life and they're not missing anything by not having you in theirs. Right? And besides, you have the right to say whatever you think, right? And if others are too easily offended, it's their problem, right?

No. Not right. Never has been, never will be. Offending others or being offended by others can be a relationship death knell. We cut off contact with those who have offended us because we're hurt and it's easier than confronting them, telling them that we're hurt, and trying to forgive. We avoid those we have offended because we're feeling embarrassed and guilty and don't want to face up to them, swallow our pride, and admit that we were wrong. (Or else we demonize them and shift the blame to them for "over-reacting" or being too sensitive.) So, instead of trying to mend fences and repair the relationship, we let it die. And we never know what we missed because we didn't care enough to try to reconcile.

It making amends an easy process? Heck no. Proverbs 18:19 says, "An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city." So true. Think about it. When you are offended, what do you expect the friend who offended you to do? How far does he/she have to go to win you back? That varies with people and personality. Not many of us are naturally forgiving and some of us are downright stubborn grudge-holders. So for most, a sincere, "I'm sorry," is the bare minimum we need before we can open our arms for a reuniting hug. For some much more is required. 

Our pastor quoted, Ken Sande, and his Seven A's of Confession (or Reconciliation) as a how-to guide for making amends for your offensive behavior. My thoughts are noted in purple.

  1. Address everyone involved (All those whom you affected)  If you aren't sure about someone, ask. You might be surprised how far-reaching your offensive statements/actions might be. Don't assume. Verify.
  2. Avoid if, but, and maybe (Do not try to excuse your wrongs)  Like our pastor said, when you make a positive, constructive statement then use if, but, or maybe, followed by some qualification or justification for your words or behavior, you negate everything you said before. Here's an example - "That color really looks great on you, BUT those pants make your butt look big." Or to put it in context - "I'm sorry for being so critical, BUT you know me, I say what I think and MAYBE you shouldn't ask my opinion." Or the following which is definitely not an apology - "I'm sorry IF I hurt your feelings." Also, as recommended by our pastor, add NEVER and ALWAYS to that list. Those extreme words are rarely true though they offend often.
  3. Admit specifically (Both attitudes and actions) Saying "I'm sorry," isn't enough. Try to express exactly what you believe you've done or said that was offensive. And while you're doing it, try to look and sound remorseful and sincere. I'm reminded of a character Steve Martin portrayed on "Saturday Night Live," who would say, "Well, Excuuuuuse Meeee!" Definitely not an apology.
  4. Acknowledge the hurt (Express sorrow for hurting someone) Some people are born with Teflon overcoats - insults and personal attacks seem to slide off - leaving no hurt, no offense. But others' overcoats are made of Velcro - everything sticks - and hurts and offends. Let the person you've offended know that you recognize the pain you've caused them. Even if you wouldn't have reacted in the same way, acknowledge that they have been hurt and that they are entitled to their feelings and reactions. Telling someone that they shouldn't have been wounded won't resolve anything.
  5. Accept the consequences (Such as making restitution) It's always risky to ask the person you've offended if there is anything you can do to make it up to him/her, but often that's exactly what you need to do. Sometimes it's the only way to begin the reconciliation process. And if they suggest something which might make them feel better, if it is in your power, do it.
  6. Alter your behavior (Change your attitudes and actions) Really make an effort NOT to repeat the offensive statements or behavior. Think before you speak or act. Remember to whom you are speaking and how you have previously wounded that individual. If you say you're sorry but show no change in attitude or action, your apology is insincere and disingenuous and you have destroyed all trust.
  7. Ask for forgiveness Maybe the hardest part of all - but the most important to reconciliation. Learn to forgive and to ask for forgiveness. 
So, I ask again, why does it matter? Because we live in a civilized society - or at least we used to - and that's what civilized people do. 

"If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone."  Romans 12:18