Wednesday, November 6, 2024

And Freedom Dies


And Freedom Dies


They said it could never happen. Not here. There were too many checks and balances in place. Too many who would resist. But they were wrong.

Destruction sold the big lie and rolled in on a red wave of devotees who swallowed whole his insults, projections, and calculated promises. His cult of followers adored him, admiring his outspoken hatred of any who opposed him. He loved himself and emulated powerful dictators.

Billionaire overlords, the true power behind his throne, stepped out of the shadows to take control of their hapless puppet. Heretical "Christian"-nationalists replaced dedicated, impartial civil servants. Congress was dismantled; the constitution destroyed, while the Supreme Court cheered.

Millions were deported or killed. Walls were built to keep the people in. Concentration camps were built to punish them for their courage. The military was charged with arresting and imprisoning any who dared to speak against him or his overlord rulers. The free press was muzzled or corrupted.

Corporations were deregulated; safety precautions eliminated. The depended-upon social supports were destroyed. The poor and sick were blamed for their poverty and illness. The people suffered and wondered how it had happened, the lessons of history ignored or forgotten.

Women were prohibited from serving in positions of power. Their bodies controlled by others, many died. Public education was outlawed. Children were indoctrinated and brain-washed in schools run by fanatical believers.

Prisons and labor camps were filled past capacity. Mass graves overflowed. The environment and economy were destroyed. People wept for the past as the new Dark Ages consumed them. But they’d gotten what they’d asked for – a strong leader – law and order – a fascist controlled by modern-day feudal lords who made them all powerless peasants.

They said it could never happen. Not here. Until it did.

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